Djo Dezormo, between awareness and carnival

Flagship artist of committed Creole song, Djo Dezormo has written the history of Martinique on several albums, while making the crowds dance.
Gérard La Viny, Ambassador of the French West Indies in Paris

Animator, songwriter, satirist, charm singer, versatile musician, promoter of La Biguine, Gérard La Viny has been nicknamed "the Ambassador of the Antilles in Paris".
Who was Eugène Mona really?

The most emblematic artist of Martinican culture, singer-flutist Eugène Mona has left his mark on people's minds and continues to inspire a whole generation.
Patrick Saint-Eloi: how his memory is maintained

Since his death in 2010, many tributes have been paid to West Indian crooner Patrick Saint-Eloi.
Ina Césaire, songwriter

Daughter of Aimé and Suzanne Césaire, Ina Césaire is a renowned ethnologist. Less well known are her talents as a songwriter.
The musical imprint of Jenny Alpha, the actress

Better known for her long career as an actress, the Martinican Jenny Alpha nevertheless began her career in music, notably as a conductor.
Creole Latin Rythms : Guaguanco made in French Guyana

In 1972, Renato Garros, singer of the Guyanese group Les Vautours, sang "Guyane Guaguanco", one of the trendy styles of the time.
Henri Debs, the Guadeloupean artist and producer

Personnage incontournable de la musique antillaise, Henri Debs est décédé à l’âge de 80 ans le 19 août 2013. Plus gros producteur des Antilles-Guyane françaises, il a dominé le marché pendant plus de 50 ans et a aussi été un auteur-compositeur-interprète, à succès.
KWEBEE : Talent in vocalizations

KWEBEE is a Guadeloupean vocal quintet that enjoyed success from the mid-90s until around 2005.
Musical learning in the French West Indies : the end of the Desert?

Jusqu’alors parents pauvres de l’apprentissage musical, les Antilles françaises lancent enfin des projets d’écoles de musique et de danse.