November 26th: The city of Sainte-Anne in Guadeloupe celebrates the registration of Gwoka at Unesco and its cultural actors

Gwo Ka has been on the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since November 26th, 2014.
Creole anthem: the First World War through the songs of soldiers from the French Antilles-Guyana

Les soldats des Antilles-Guyane ont combattu dans la Première guerre mondiale. Au-delà du front, leurs chants de soldats en disent long sur l’Histoire et les hommes.
Rum Route : A song for the people of Guadeloupe

La Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe est la reine des courses transatlantiques en solitaire.
Elle inspire musicalement un duo de choc : Loïc Emboulé, Misié Sadik
The Bouladjel, Guadeloupean musical expression of funeral wakes

Le Bouladjel, (ou selon les graphies : bouladjèl, boulagèl) est une expression musicale spécifiquement guadeloupéenne qui fait partie de la culture Gwoka.
Cette pratique est inventoriée comme patrimoine culturel immatériel par la France .
Daniel Forestal the flamboyant

Daniel Forestal is a singer-guitarist, a must in Guadeloupean music. Cantor of tradition and enlightened transmitter, he trained many young people for the career of an artist.
Barone: artist oncologist…the choice not to choose

Amazing and inspiring journey of Barone, who despite the rigor of his work as an oncologist, pursues his dreams as an artist and continues to express himself in songs.
The C’Vryne association fights against cancer in songs

In Guadeloupe, the C’Vryne association, through its preventive songs, leads a fight against cancer.
Gérard La Viny, Ambassador of the French West Indies in Paris

Animator, songwriter, satirist, charm singer, versatile musician, promoter of La Biguine, Gérard La Viny has been nicknamed "the Ambassador of the Antilles in Paris".
Patrick Saint-Eloi: how his memory is maintained

Since his death in 2010, many tributes have been paid to West Indian crooner Patrick Saint-Eloi.
Henri Debs, the Guadeloupean artist and producer

Personnage incontournable de la musique antillaise, Henri Debs est décédé à l’âge de 80 ans le 19 août 2013. Plus gros producteur des Antilles-Guyane françaises, il a dominé le marché pendant plus de 50 ans et a aussi été un auteur-compositeur-interprète, à succès.