The band then includes:

Antoine Hierso_rhythm guitar
Michel Pordé_drums and timpani
Edmond Fauvette, drums and congas
Félix Vaïti_bass guitar
André and Jean Marceline_Lead vocals
R. Franky_Lead Guitar, Leader


The Fyjap's started their career very strongly in December 1969, with a 3-month tour in Martinique where they performed in key venues, such as L'Olympia (theatre cinema and shows) and the hut La Bananeraie which attracts all the young people of Martinique and where all the local groups or those passing through play.

Their performance at the Bananeraie at the Carnival of 70 is in the company of Les Aiglons de la Guadeloupe and the orchestra of Martinique Simon Jurad.

They take advantage of their stay in Martinique to record several singles with the Sonovox label.

The musical color is in tune with the times, between cadence, tumbélé, calypso, slow

The compositions are often signed by the Marceline brothers, André and Jean, who are the two main singers. Just like this beautiful tribute to Guyana, signed André Marceline: La Guyane Pli Bel Pays

Listen to Fyjap's on this calypso, titled "Nice Time":

Or this cadence, named "Jealousy":

The Marceline brothers will then pursue their respective careers solo or within several formations, first in French Guiana, then in France, before returning to settle permanently in their native land.

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