EDITH LEFEL: 20 years already! Her life in a nutshell...
C’est le 20e anniversaire du décès de la Diva guyano-martiniquaise. Rétrospective de sa vie et de carrière.
C’est le 20e anniversaire du décès de la Diva guyano-martiniquaise. Rétrospective de sa vie et de carrière.
Les soldats des Antilles-Guyane ont combattu dans la Première guerre mondiale. Au-delà du front, leurs chants de soldats en disent long sur l’Histoire et les hommes.
Barel Coppet, an outstanding musician, considered the last of the clarinettists in the pure Martinican tradition, is of all the Caribbean musicians who have known glory in Europe, the only one to have been in a lasting way, the conductor of the two mythical places of French Caribbean music in Paris, Le Bal Blomet and La Canne à Sucre.
Amazing and inspiring journey of Barone, who despite the rigor of his work as an oncologist, pursues his dreams as an artist and continues to express himself in songs.
Animator, songwriter, satirist, charm singer, versatile musician, promoter of La Biguine, Gérard La Viny has been nicknamed "the Ambassador of the Antilles in Paris".
Since his death in 2010, many tributes have been paid to West Indian crooner Patrick Saint-Eloi.
Better known for her long career as an actress, the Martinican Jenny Alpha nevertheless began her career in music, notably as a conductor.
On est en août, il fait chaud…Malgré tout on a envie d’attraper un coup de soleil !!!!